Voice Search is Already Making Waves

August 24th, 2018 // Christian Voice Search is Already Making Waves

What are you doing to make sure you take your place among voice search results? The answer is, likely not much. Voice search is evolving at a rapid rate. And while there might not be a formulaic process as developed as text search, we know a few things you can do to improve the likelihood of becoming a top contender.

Current Voice Search Optimization Tactics

Snippets – Snippets are small summaries intended to help the user get to the answer quickly. Snippets are not new. If you have ever searched something like “how do you cook rice” then you have seen the snippet result like the one below. While it is not a certainty, it has been shown that top-ranking snippets like the one below are being used to generate voice results.

Structured Data – This is essentially a way of tagging your content on a programmatic level that gives the web search robots (bots) context for what they are examining. Structured data helps with many aspects of SEO (including local targeting). In the case of voice search, there are new formats being released including a “speakable” property.

Finding Questions – As you start to optimize for voice, it can be helpful to find questions being asked by users. Voice tends toward longer queries and can lend itself to a variety of ways of asking. To improve your reach, you can use the “people also ask” feature in Google (see the sample below).

As voice search continues to evolve, so will the list of tactics that are necessary and effective. To learn more, reach out to us directly to consult about your voice search optimization. We welcome you to attend one of our Intro to Smarketing seminars to get to know us.

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