You Are What’s Unique About Your Business

July 24th, 2018 // Christian You Are What’s Unique About Your Business

The one consistent thing we hear from sales managers is their frustration with millennials. We’re not going to get on one side or the other here, but we are going to set one thing straight. Gut Check: The idea of an employee wanting to be built up is not new.

If you have been in sales as long as I have, you know self-worth and confidence have always been the key to a good sales professional. This is why I always focus on teaching managers to invest in their people. It’s why I always invest in people.

What does it mean to invest in people? Let me ask you this: how can you expect you people to connect with a customer when they don’t connect with themselves? They can’t. So as a manager, it is on you to help your people connect. This may sound like a lot of work, and it does take time, but it’s not hard.

Start by trying to connect with your people. Take time with each of them. Find out what are five things about them that are great. Find out what their personal goals are. Just this little bit of investment will go a long way.

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