Advertising: Why You Need to Invest In It
March 1st, 2022 // Christian
In the business world you probably hear the word advertising a lot. Along side that, you also, most likely hear the word marketing. Many times business focus on marketing, but forget about advertising. While neither is more important than the other, neither should get ignored. Today we want to go over the difference between the two, and why advertising should be a priority.
Advertising vs. Marketing
While the two are like peanut butter & jelly, there is a difference to them. Once source says it best this way. “Marketing is the process of identifying customer needs and determining how best to meet those needs. In contrast, advertising is the exercise of promoting a company and its products or services through paid channels.”
Now that we got that cleared, let’s go over why you need it.
There Are More People To Reach
Advertising is what will bring in a majority of your foot traffic. Whether physically or virtually. While you may already have a strong clientele and customer base, there are still customers that you have yet to reach. The longevity of your business is not just about maintaining, but also reaching.
There is Always Something to Advertise
It’s also important to realize that no matter what season your business is in, there is always something to advertise. Whether that be a new sales promotion, or a new campaign. Don’t just wait for people to start the conversation for you, invite the conversation into peoples lives.
Use Advertising to Get Your Name Out There
Have you ever heard the phrase, “all publicity is good publicity,”? Well the same principle applies to advertising. Any chance to get your business, product or service out there is one worth taking. You are never too small or too big to start to stop advertising. You always want to be at the forefront of your customers mind.